ttb 56-1 One Report 2021 (EN)

8. Corporate Governance Report 8.1 Corporate Governance Policy Framework Qualifications of Independent Director and Audit Committee Member In nomination of directors NRCC has a duty to sort and screen the qualified people according to the regulations and the bank’s article of association including the independent directors and audit committee member qualification accordance with the relevant announcements. Independent director and director nomination criteria 1. Recruitment of Independent Director The Bank has been aware that independent directors take a vital role in safeguarding the interests of the Bank and the minor shareholders. To enhance independence of the Board of Directors and manage conflicts of interest pursuant to the regulatory criteria and the corporate governance principles, the Board has formulated criteria for nomination of independent directors from professionals of diversified fields with proper qualifications and experience who can deliver independent opinions and have fairness in the performance of duty by applying skill matrix as the tools for consideration. The Nomination, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee shall make preliminary consideration of the nomination of independent directors before submission to the Board meeting or the shareholders’ meeting (as the case may be) for appointment thereof. The basic qualifications of an independent director shall be defined by the Bank which more stringent than that under the criteria set by the Capital Market Supervisory Board. Board of Director establish the independent director qualification that indicate the term of independent director not longer than 9 years consecutively. Any independent director who has their term for 9 years, could be re-elect for another term of independent director after their resignation for 2 years. Qualification of Independent Directors 1. Not hold shares in excess of 0.5 percent of total voting shares of the Bank, or the Bank’s parent company, subsidiary, associated company, major shareholder, or any person with controlling power over the Bank, whilst the number of shares held by any related person of that independent director must also be counted. 2. Not be and have not been a director participating in management role, an employee, an officer, an advisor who receives regular salary, or a person having controlling power over the Bank, the Bank’s parent company, subsidiary, associated company, subsidiary at the same level, or major shareholder, unless such independent director has not been a person referred to above for at least two years prior to the date of his/her appointment. 201 Form 56-1 One Report 2021