ttb 56-1 One Report 2021 (EN)

Directors’ Performance Assessment The NRCC had made consideration of the method, scope, criteria of assessment of directors’ performance of duties in Board and Board Committees as well as individual director by applying self-evaluation and cross evaluation before submission to the Board meeting for approval. This is to reflect their performance efficiency and problems and obstacles during the year, the recommendation will be gathered for improvement consideration, and will send the approved assessment form to all directors. Assessment’s Criteria • The criteria for assessment of the Board of Director cover various areas including (1) Structure of the Board, (2) Board meeting, (3) the Board’s and Board Committees’ performance of duties, (4) Relationship with management, (5) Self-development of directors, and (6) Board’s practice of Roles and (7) responsibilities of the Board. Topic Board of Directors Sub-committees 1. Assess the efficiency 1.1 board of director  1.2 sub-committees  2. Individual self-assessment  3. Individual peer (cross) assessment  Role Assumption of Directorship in Other Companies To ensure that the directors have adequate time to perform their duties for the Bank, the Board limits directors from assuming a position in other companies as per regulations of the SET, the SEC and the Bank of Thailand, taking into account the effectiveness of the directors assuming position in companies. Details are as follows: 1. A director of the Bank may assume directorship in not more than 5 listed companies * (both domestic and offshore). 2. Directors of the Bank are able to assume a position or several positions, including chairman of the board, executive director, or an authorized signatory director in other companies in not more than 3 business groups (both domestic and offshore). A company that is not a part of a business group shall be treated as one business group. 3. Directors shall disclose the information regarding assumption of directorship in other companies to the Bank as per regulatory requirements and the Bank’s regulation. Remark * included ttb i.e. ttb and other four listed companies. 205 Form 56-1 One Report 2021