ttb 56-1 One Report 2021 (EN)

8.1.2 Meeting Attendance Board Meeting The Board meeting shall be held at least once a month. In an urgent case, the Board may arrange a special meeting as deemed necessary. The meeting date shall be scheduled in advance so that the Board members are able to plan the attendance of every meeting. The meeting agenda shall be endorsed by the Chief Executive Officer and approved by the Board Chairman. The Bank sends the meeting documents and invitation letter to directors at least 5 business days in advance so that the directors will have sufficient time to study and consider in advance the information to support their decision making on each agenda. The directors can additionally request necessary information regarding the meeting agenda from the management. The average length of the meeting is approximately 3 hours. The Chairman shall declare the meeting open and proceed with the business on the agenda. The time shall be adequately allocated for the management to present the information and for the Board members to make careful consideration before decision making. The voting of each agenda, the Board almost pass unanimously. The Chairman shall summarize issues as the meeting resolution. Directors who have conflict of interest on that agenda shall leave the meeting and shall have no right to vote. The Board Secretary is responsible for preparation of written minutes of the meeting, arrangement of systematic filing for inspection and submission of the minutes to the government agencies within the specified period. In 2021, Directors in Board of Directors had attended the meeting by average at 98.85% of the total meetings arranged during the year. In the meeting, the directors had freely asked questions and provided useful recommendations for the Bank’s business, in accordance with the Bank’s corporate governance policy. Board of Directors Meeting In 2021, details of the meeting attendance of the Board of Directors and board committee members are as follows: 209 Form 56-1 One Report 2021