ttb 56-1 One Report 2021 (EN)

Remuneration (baht) Retaining Fee (Per Year) Committee Fee (Per Year) Attendance Fee (Per Meeting) Board of Directors Chairman 1,800,000 1,800,000 40,000 Vice Chairman 420,000 420,000 35,000 Member 384,000 384,000 30,000 Board of Executive Directors Chairman 1,440,000 1,440,000 40,000 Vice Chairman 420,000 420,000 35,000 Member 384,000 384,000 30,000 Audit Committee Chairman 696,000 696,000 32,400 Member 374,400 374,400 24,600 Nomination, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee Chairman 696,000 696,000 32,400 Member 374,400 374,400 24,600 Risk Oversight Committee Chairman 696,000 696,000 32,400 Member 374,400 374,400 24,600 Credit Committee Chairman 696,000 696,000 32,400 Member 374,400 374,400 24,600 IT Oversight Committee Chairman 696,000 696,000 32,400 Member 374,400 374,400 24,600 The directors who are the Bank’s executives do not receive the remuneration according to the Bank’s regulations. As well as, the representative directors who are the executives of ING Bank N.V. will not receive the remuneration under ING’s policy. In case additional remuneration is required for newly formed committees, the Board of Directors shall provide such remuneration and ensure that the total remuneration for the directors shall not exceed THB 45 million as approved by the shareholders’ meeting. In 2021, the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders has approved the distribution of directors’ bonus at the rate 0.5 percent of dividend paid among the directors for 2020 operational performance and the Board Cash remuneration by committee is as follows; 215 Form 56-1 One Report 2021