ttb 56-1 One Report 2021 (EN)

Policy and procedure on Conflict of Interest and insider information The Bank has issued Regulations and guidelines in written in Code of Conduct, ttb Policy on confidential & Inside information and Conflicts of Interest including operating manual regarding Conflicts of Interest, Trading & Investment of TTB’s Financial Instrument as operating guideline of director, executive, and employee. The Bank is aware of the importance of monitoring the use of inside information, especially non-public information that may impact its share price. As such, The Bank has assigned Financial Regulatory Management to be the only unit responsible for submitting the financial statements and all financial reports to the SET and the SEC after undergoing a correctness and completeness review by the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors respectively to make sure The Bank’s inside information is not prematurely disclosed to the public. Guidelines to prevent inside information the Bank imposed punishment for employees’ disciplinary misconduct regarding business code of conduct and ethics to ensure the management and the staff perform duties with transparency and based on professional code of conduct and treat all stakeholders fairly, which is in line with the Securities and Exchange Commission Act regarding the use of inside information. The Bank prohibited the executives and staffs who have permanent or occasionally potential access to the Bank’s inside information to trading securities until 24 hours after disclosure information to public. The executives and staffs shall not disclose the Bank’s inside information to any of their family members and/or other persons even though the staffs and/or their family members do not sell/buy the securities and/or do not gain any benefit in any form and to prevent for personal benefits and whatsoever or the others’ benefits. Moreover, if there is any event that may have an effect to The Bank’s securities price. Bank will set the additional period to prohibit relevant covered person regarding to trading The Bank securities. The Bank require that the directors, Chief Executive Officer, Chiefs, Senior Executive Vice President, Executive Vice President or Heads (or equivalent), and Team Heads (or equivalent), in Finance Control, Financial Planning and Analysis, Balance Sheet Management, and other persons defined by Chief Financial Officer shall disclose and report to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) the Bank-issued securities held by them, their spouses and minor children, as well as any changes thereof, such as sale, purchase, transfer or acceptance of transfer of those securities in the report format and within the period of time specified by the SEC. In addition, the management is required to report on a monthly basis the Bank-issued securities held by directors, management, their spouses, and minor children to the Board for acknowledgement, and to prepare a summary report on any changes of the Bank-issued securities held by directors, management, their spouses, and minor children and disclose such information in the annual report. 224 TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited