ttb 56-1 One Report 2021 (EN)

9.2 Transactions with related parties which occurred during the year Related party disclosures, which comprised of definitions and characteristics of relationship, pricing policy, related parties transactions with key management and other related parties, outstanding balances with related parties, senior management personnel compensation, other benefits payable to the senior management personnel, were disclosed in notes to financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2021. 9.3 Measures or procedures to approve the making of related transactions In conducting its business, the Bank shall adhere to its principles, integrity, transparency and maximize its interest by emphasizing the prevention of conflicts of interest and also to related party transactions and connected transactions according to the regulatory requirements. To that effect, the Bank requires that its Directors and Senior Management at Head of level and higher to disclose their relations or connections in any business with any conflicts of interest on a quarterly basis. Moreover, the Policy on Confidential & Insider Information and Conflicts of Interest and a Procedure Manual have been issued and enforced in order to eradicate conflicts of interest. Transactions with related parties or connected persons are carried out by the Bank on an arm’s length basis. In addition, the Bank’s Directors and Executives who may have conflicts of interest in such transactions are neither allowed to participate in the approval thereof, nor to vote in a meeting. The Bank has no policy to grant any direct loan to Directors or Senior Management. Loans provided to or investments in any entity in which the Bank, its Directors or Senior Management have conflict of interests are subject to the consideration of the project’s viability, operational performance or feasibility analysis with terms, conditions and prices to be the same as those approved for other clients in general. The loan or investment amount must be controlled so that it will not exceed an appropriate limit and is subject to unanimous approval of Board of Directors. The concerned Directors or Executives shall not participate in the approval of such transaction and the approval must be consistent with the regulations of related authorities. The Bank has assigned the Audit Committee to prevent and mitigate the conflicts of interest. Those transactions that have potential conflicts of interest that exceed the set threshold values or limits must be submitted to the Audit Committee for validation and/or approval prior to execution. Related and/or connected transactions will be disclosed on a complete and transparent basis according to the criteria of the relevant regulators. For future related party transactions, the Bank shall continue to adhere to its principles to maximize the interest of the Bank and our shareholders, whereby at a minimum, pricing and terms and conditions will be on arm’s length basis in accordance with the above mentioned Policy and Operational Guidelines. Also, the Policy and the Operational Manual will be updated to be in line with the changes of the regulatory requirements and internal criteria. 9.4 Persons who may have conflicts of interest to hold more than a 5% of stake in subsidiary company or associated company instead of direct shareholding by the Bank The Bank has not allowed any person who may have conflicts of interest to hold more than a 5% of stake 227 Form 56-1 One Report 2021