ttb 56-1 One Report 2021 (EN)

Consolidated statements of cash flows (Unit: THB million) Cash flows from operating activities 2021 2020* 2019 Profits from operations before income tax 12,804 12,338 8,810 Adjustments to reconcile profit from operations before income tax to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities Depreciation and amortisation 4,802 4,312 1,730 Impairment loss on loans and debt securities - - 10,337 Expected credit loss 21,514 24,831 - Impairment loss on premises and equipment (reversal of) 182 23 (68) Impairment loss on properties for sale and other assets 282 4 579 Reversal of impairment loss on intangible assets - (30) - Provisions for liabilities 535 353 661 Losses (gains) on revaluation of investments measured at FVTPL 8 (29) - Gains on revaluation of investments - - (5) Losses on disposal of intangible assets 87 17 14 Losses (gains) on disposal of premises and equipment 15 19 (80) Gains on disposal of investments (182) (678) (1,956) Unrealised losses on remeasurement of financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss - - 22 Unrealised losses (gains) on exchange rate 3,941 (289) (289) Expenses in relation to share-based payments 261 117 - Share of profit from investments accounted for using the equity method (346) (363) (324) Deferred revenue (2,920) (2,831) (1,940) Net interest income (51,000) (53,805) (26,865) Dividend income (91) (84) (261) Interest received 61,363 65,775 38,639 Interest paid (11,473) (19,955) (11,078) Income tax paid (2,269) (8,341) (2,792) Profits from operations before changes in operating assets and liabilities 37,513 21,384 15,134 236 TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited