ttb 56-1 One Report 2021 (EN)

TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries (Formerly TMB Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries) Statements of financial position Liabilities and equity Note 2021 2020 2021 2020 Equity Share capital Authorised share capital 96,864,354,380 ordinary shares of Baht 0.95 each (31 December 2020: 106,223,552,373 ordinary shares of Baht 0.95 each) 31 92,021,137 100,912,375 92,021,137 100,912,375 Issued and paid-up share capital 96,622,874,580 ordinary shares of Baht 0.95 each (31 December 2020: 96,409,416,880 ordinary shares of Baht 0.95 each) 31 91,791,731 91,588,946 91,791,731 91,588,946 Premium on share capital 43,344,840 43,321,601 43,344,840 43,321,601 Other reserves 5,172,257 5,797,791 6,117,180 5,761,304 Retained earnings Appropriated Legal reserve 32, 33 10,091,000 10,091,000 10,091,000 10,091,000 Unappropriated 60,434,727 53,913,289 56,452,285 52,689,658 Equity attributable to equity holders of the Bank 210,834,555 204,712,627 207,797,036 203,452,509 Non-controlling interest 1,140 37,098 - - Total equity 210,835,695 204,749,725 207,797,036 203,452,509 Total liabilities and equity 1,759,180,734 1,808,331,830 1,754,688,967 1,205,404,461 Mr. Piti Tantakasem Chief Executive Officer Chairman of the Board 31 December 31 December Consolidated Bank only (in thousand Baht) Mr. Ekniti Nitithanprapas The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 7 TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries (Formerly TMB Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries) Statements of cash flows Consolidated 2021 2020 2021 2020 Ca h flows from oper ting activities Profit from operations before income tax 12,803,532 12,337,613 8,723,622 13,064,032 Adjustments to reconcile profit from per tions before income tax to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities Depreciation and amortisation 4,802,165 4,311,547 3,579,785 1,997,087 Expected credit loss 21,514,212 24,831,331 17,010,786 13,433,601 Impairment loss on premises and equipment 182,105 22,586 182,105 22,586 Impairment loss on properties for sale and other assets 282,039 3,863 209,615 101,119 Reversal of impairment loss on intangible assets - (30,365) - - Provisions for liabilities 534,755 352,612 607,317 223,262 Losses (gains) on revaluation of investments measured at FVTPL 8,161 (28,702) 42 3,377 Impairment losses on investment - - 89,700,000 9,300,000 Losses (gains) on disposal of intangible assets 87,321 17,265 (45) - Losses (gains) on disposal of premises and equipment 15,068 18,908 (57,524) (27,608) Gains on disposal of investments (181,993) (678,023) (190,517) (582,389) Unrealised losses (gains) on exchange rate 3,940,844 (288,746) 3,497,846 (228,775) Expenses in relation to share-based payments 260,900 117,122 260,900 117,122 Share of profit from investments accounted for using the equity method (345,521) (362,746) - - Deferred revenue (2,919,745) (2,830,754) (2,919,745) (1,865,333) Net interest income (50,999,767) (53,805,372) (35,076,564) (21,633,881) Dividend income (91,048) (83,608) (93,045,676) (20,716,282) Interest received 61,362,859 65,774,962 42,968,887 26,725,525 Interest paid (11,473,188) (19,955,127) (8,791,630) (8,710,009) Income tax paid (2,269,388) (8,340,599) (583,249) (2,098,367) Profit from operations before changes in operating assets and liabilities 37,513,311 21,383,767 26,075,955 9,125,067 Decrease (increase) in operating assets Interbank and money market items 52,371,165 25,540,507 71,919,066 (99,635,174) Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss 2,358,823 3,504,828 (66,781) 3,924,190 Loans to customers (1,445,930) (23,733,175) (25,180,413) (54,952,084) Properties for sale 3,875,499 4,699,305 (162,130) (1,352,747) Other assets 5,474,502 1,548,995 5,265,631 292,559 Increase (decrease) in operating liabilities Deposits (34,212,712) (24,659,099) 70,719,414 152,087,006 Interbank and money market items 9,124,969 (10,717,225) (84,577,951) (21,601,858) Liabilities payable on demand 1,430,446 512,595 1,045,440 535,933 Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss - 12,398 - 12,398 Provisions for other liabilities (1,895,220) (2,727,815) (77,998) (1,322,162) Other accrued expenses 660,824 108,918 1,678,764 (208,626) Other liabilities (3,938,352) 1,961,946 (2,005,127) 3,463,844 Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 71,317,325 (2,564,055) 64,633,870 (9,631,654) Bank only For the year ended For the year ended 31 December 31 December (in thousand Baht) The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 12 256 TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited