ttb 56-1 One Report 2021 (EN)

TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries (Formerly TMB Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries) Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 31 December 2021 96 Bank only (Charged) / Credited to: At 1 January 2021 Acquisition through Entire Business Transfer Profit or loss Other comprehensive income Other At 31 December 2021 (note 20.2) (in million Baht) Deferred tax assets Interbank and money market items 8 1 (2) - (3) 4 Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss 139 (34) - - - 105 Investments 6 324 226 143 - 699 Loans to customers and accrued interest receivables 2,385 273 (934) - - 1,724 Properties for sale 52 32 (2) - - 82 Premises and equipment 32 51 49 - - 132 Provisions for employee benefits 313 - 52 (39) - 326 Provisions for other liabilities 289 269 (45) - (108) 405 Deferred revenue and other liabilities 912 307 363 - - 1,582 Others 208 180 44 (27) (16) 389 Total 4,344 1,403 (249) 77 (127) 5,448 Deferred tax liabilities Investments 121 828 - 29 - 978 Loans to customers and accrued interest receivables - 840 (162) - - 678 Properties for sale - 139 (25) - - 114 Premises and equipment 1,350 1,797 (68) (10) - 3,069 Others 55 1,058 (257) - - 856 Total 1,526 4,662 (512) 19 - 5,695 Net 2,818 (3,259) 263 58 (127) (247) 340 TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited