ttb 56-1 One Report 2021 (EN)

TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries (Formerly TMB Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries) Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 31 December 2021 98 20.2 Income tax Income tax recognised in profit or loss Consolidated Bank only Note 2021 2020 2021 2020 (in million Baht) Current tax expenses Current year 2,962 3,850 1,233 598 Under (over) provided in prior years 31 (6) (15) (7) 2,993 3,844 1,218 591 Deferred tax expenses Movements in temporary differences 20.1 (666) (1,621) (263) (382) (666) (1,621) (263) (382) Total 2,327 2,223 955 209 Income tax recognised in other comprehensive income Consolidated 2021 2020 Tax Tax Before (expenses) Net of Before (expenses) Net of tax benefit tax tax benefit tax (in million Baht) Investments (450) 90 (360) (73) 15 (58) Premises and equipment (51) 10 (41) (179) 36 (143) Provisions for employee benefits 197 (40) 157 680 (136) 544 Others (39) 9 (30) (41) 8 (33) Total (343) 69 (274) 387 (77) 310 Bank only 2021 2020 Tax Tax Before (expenses) Net of Before (expenses) Net of tax benefit tax tax benefit tax (in million Baht) Investments (569) 114 (455) 46 (9) 37 Premises and equipment (51) 10 (41) (179) 36 (143) Provisions for employee benefits 196 (39) 157 249 (50) 199 Others 136 (27) 109 (89) 18 (71) Total (288) 58 (230) 27 (5) 22 342 TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited