ttb 56-1 One Report 2021 (EN)

TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries (Formerly TMB Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries) Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 31 December 2021 102 24.1 Subordinated debentures 24.1.1 On 11 May 2015, Thanachart Bank Public Company Limited (TBANK) issued the Subordinated Debenture No.1/2015 to be counted as Tier 2 capital, amounting to Baht 7,000 million, which has a 10-year 6 month maturity period and carries a fixed interest rate of 4.65% per annum, payable quarterly in February, May, August and November of every year. TBANK can early redeem the Subordinated Debenture No.1/2015 after 5 years from the issue date or according to certain specified conditions. TBANK has to get the Bank of Thailand’s approval before early redemption of the Subordinated Debenture.The Subordinated Debenture are name-registered, unsecured instruments with no instrument holder’s representative. The Subordinated Debenture will be fully converted to ordinary shares of TBANK in the event that a Point of Non-Viability is triggered requiring financial assistance from the regulators. TBANK has a call option to early redeem these instruments at par if the conditions specified are met. On 11 May 2020, TBANK early redeemed its entire Subordinated Debenture No.1/2558, amounting to Baht 7,000 million. Such early redemption has already been approved by the Bank of Thailand. 24.1.2 On 29 May 2017, the Bank issued the Subordinated Debenture No.1/2560 to be counted as Tier 2 capital under Basel III requirement, amounting to Baht 5,430million, which has a 10.5-year maturity period and carries a fixed interest rate of 3.50% per annum, payable quarterly in February, May, August and November of every year. The Bank can early redeem the Subordinated Debenture No.1/2560 after 5.5 years from the issue date or according to certain specified conditions. The Bank has to get the Bank of Thailand’s approval before early redemption of the Subordinated Debenture. 24.1.3 On 28 June 2019, the Bank issued the Subordinated Debenture No.1/2562 to be counted as Tier 2 capital under Basel III requirement, amounting to Baht 30,000 million, which has a 10-year maturity period and carries a fixed interest rate of 4.00% per annum, payable quarterly in March, June, September and December of every year. The Bank can early redeem the Subordinated Debenture No.1/2562 after 5 years from the issue date or according to certain specified conditions. The Bank has to get the Bank of Thailand’s approval before early redemption of the Subordinated Debenture. 24.1.4 On 2 December 2019, the Bank issued the Perpetual Additional Tier 1 Capital Securities amounting to USD 400 million, which has no expiration date and carries a fixed interest rate of 4.90% per annum, payable semi-annually in June and December of every year. The Bank can early redeem the Perpetual Additional Tier 1 Capital Securities after 5 years from the issue date or according to certain specified conditions. The Bank has to get the Bank of Thailand’s approval before proceeding an early redemption. The Securities have been issued under the Bank’s Euro Medium Term Note Programme. 24.2 Senior debentures 24.2.1 On 1 April 2016, the Bank issued unsecured Senior Debentures of USD 300 million, with a 5.5-year maturity and carrying a fixed interest rate of 3.108% per annum, payable semi-annually in April and October of every year. The debentures have been issued under the Bank’s Euro Medium Term Note Programme. On 7 October 2019, the Bank bought back these debentures from investors amounting to USD 50 million. Remaining balance is USD 250 million. The debenture was matured on 1 October 2021, which has already fully paid with the total amount of USD 250 million. 24.2.2 On 5 June 2018, the Bank issued unsecured Senior Debentures (Green Bond) of USD 60 million, with a 7-year maturity and carrying a floating interest rate of 6M Libor + 1.05% per annum, payable semi-annually in June and December of every year. The proceeds from Green Bond issuance will be used to finance the loan to private sector on its investment in sustainable environment. 346 TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited