ttb 56-1 One Report 2021 (EN)

TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries (Formerly TMB Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries) Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 31 December 2021 113 30.2 Reconciliation of issued and paid-up ordinary share capital, share premium and other reserve - shared-based payments Consolidated and Bank only 2021 Other reserve - Issued and paid-up ordinary share capital Share premium share-based payments (No. of shares) (Baht) (Baht) Balance - beginning of the year 96,409,416,880 91,588,946,036 43,321,601,048 69,562,996 Expenses in relation shares-base payment - - - 260,900,067 Issued ordinary shares to employees 213,457,700 202,784,815 24,376,540 (227,161,355) Expenses in relation to issuance of ordinary shares to employees - - (1,138,056) - Balance - end of the year 96,622,874,580 91,791,730,851 43,344,839,532 103,301,708 31 Share capital Par value 2021 2020 per share Number Amount Number Amount (in Baht) (million shares / million Baht) Authorised shares at 31 December 0.95 96,864 92,021 106,224 100,912 Issued and paid-up At 1 January - ordinary shares 0.95 96,409 91,589 96,359 91,541 Issue of new shares 0.95 214 203 50 48 At 31 December - ordinary shares 0.95 96,623 91,792 96,409 91,589 On 23 April 2021, the 2021 Annual General Meeting of the Bank’s shareholders passed resolutions approving as follows: 1. The reduction of the registered capital by Baht 9,323 million from Baht 100,912 million to Baht 91,589 million by writing off 9,814 million unissued and paid-up share capital at a par value of Baht 0.95 each. 2. The increase of the registered capital by Baht 432 million from Baht 91,589 million to Baht 92,021 million by issuing 455 million newly ordinary shares at a par value of Baht 0.95 each and allocate the newly issued ordinary shares as follows: 2.1 Not exceeding 305 million shares at a par value of Baht 0.95 each under the TTB Stock Retention Program 2021. 2.2 Not exceeding 150 million shares at a par value of Baht 0.95 each under the TTB Stock Retention Program 2019. 357 Form 56-1 One Report 2021