ttb 56-1 One Report 2021 (EN)

TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries (Formerly TMB Bank Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries) Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 31 December 2021 117 5.4 Related companies of major shareholders 5.5 Entities in which related companies of major shareholders hold over 10% of paid-up share capital 5.6 Entities in which the Bank and its subsidiaries hold over 10% of paid-up share capital (excluding subsidiaries and associates) The additional information on investments in subsidiaries and associates is disclosed in note 14. Relationships with key management and other related parties were as follows: Name of entity/Personnel Country of incorporation/ Nationality Nature of relationship Key management personnel Thailand and other countries Persons having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the Bank, directly or indirectly, including any director (whether executive or otherwise) of the Bank and its subsidiaries Ministry of Finance Thailand The major shareholder of the Bank owning over 10% of the Bank’s paid-up share capital ING Bank N.V. The Netherlands The major shareholder of the Bank owning over 10% of the Bank’s paid-up share capital Thanachart Capital PCL Thailand The major shareholder of the Bank owning over 10% of the Bank’s paid-up share capital Entities whose shares have been owned or have been controlled by the Ministry of Finance Thailand Related through the major shareholder of the Bank, owning over 10% of the Bank’s paid-up share capital Phahonyothin Asset Management Co., Ltd. Thailand Subsidiary, 100% shareholding, more than 50% of directors are representatives of the Bank TBCO Public Company Limited (Formerly Thanachart Bank PCL) Thailand Subsidiary, liquidator is a representative of the Bank TMBThanachart Broker Co., Ltd. (Formerly Thanachart Broker Co., Ltd.) Thailand Subsidiary, 99.99% shareholding, more than 50% of directors are representatives of the Bank (before 3 July 2021, subsidiary, 99.99% shareholding) Thanachart Fund Management Co., Ltd. Thailand Associated, 49.9% shareholding, less than 50% of directors are representatives of the Bank (before 3 July 2021, Subsidiary, 49.9% shareholding, less than 50% of directors are representatives of Subsidiary) TMB Asset Management Co., Ltd. Thailand Associated, 35% shareholding, less than 50% of directors are representatives of the Bank The pricing policies for particular types of transactions are explained further below: Transactions Pricing policies Interest rates of loans Based on market rate and the collateral consideration process, the same as the Bank’s normal course of business, except for the interest rates of staff welfare loans which are in accordance with the Bank’s regulation. Fee and service income Registrar and related services, money transfer services for unit holders, agents and support services for funds managed by its associates are charged by the Bank at the rate based on conditions specified in contracts negotiated in the normal course of business, taking into account the size of funds and the purchase and sale volumes of investment units. 361 Form 56-1 One Report 2021