ttb 56-1 One Report 2021 (EN)

Hospitals and hospitels - During the pandemic, it was difficult for individual to find the hospital or even hospitels by self. Therefore, the Bank has made the deals with hospitals and hospitels to ensure the prompt treatment that our staff will have when they are in need. Hybrid Work Model - Staff’s safety and clients information confidentiality are our priorities. Therefore, in the pandemic until now, the Bank has implemented Hybrid Work Model which all necessary tools and equipment have been provided such as computer, note books and systems. The security of system access is at highest level and the access right has been controlled and managed strictly. Thus, our majority of staff (except staff at branches) can work from home that helps managing the infection risk among staff as well as the Bank’s operational risk. Business Continuity Taskforces - The Bank has formed a taskforce to monitor the situation, provide critical information to top executives for decision, communicate the related and needed information, deal with authorities and hospitals for medical treatments when needed and check our staff health condition. Tools for safety and cleanliness provision - The Bank has provided all necessary tools such as masks, alcohol gels, temperature monitor to our staff. The cleaning of workstation and public areas have been done more frequently to ensure the hygiene and safety. Communication and information - The Bank has communicated and provided information often that have been guidance and raising awareness among staff and their family members. Total numbers of employees during the past three years Key labor disputes (TTB only) As of December 31, 2021 As of December 31, 2020 As of December 31, 2019 Bank’s employees 15,102 persons 17,012 persons 19,432 persons Type of case No. of cases Status Lawsuit brought by employees against the Bank On process of Labor Court Consideration 1. Unfair termination of employment • • Not-finalized case Finalized case 1 1 2. Pay for annual leave • Finalized case 1 As of December 31, 2021 196 TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited